
Hetalia x Drunk!Pervy!Reader Drunken Perviness

Deviation Actions

ComplexLepus's avatar

Literature Text

Warnings! This story contains kinks and other pervert materials, but no acts at all! If you're not comfortable with sexual talk then don't read! Not a lemon, not a lime, but just pervy in it's own way! Thank you and enjoy!

It was a normal day like any other and the World Meeting was kept in France once again. You were happy being in France. Country was beautiful, people were each one beautiful on their own French way and food was great. Especially you liked the souvenirs! You always got yourself some nice souvenirs and memories each time you visited in another country. Your house was like full of all kind of useless but cute and nice little things!

You were a really calm and laid back country, much like Greece and innocent looking just like Italy or Liechtenstein. Cute countries in your option. Too bad Liechtenstein wasn't there today, but maybe it was better that way. Switzerland did good when he decided that they wouldn't show up. This meeting was quite chaotic. No one never argued with you thanks to your cute appearance but it was sometimes hard for you to get your own message through. Oh, and you had a dark secret that no one could know...! But like they never even payed much attention to you. Luckily you were today just daydreaming about your adventures you were going to have in Paris's streets after this meeting. Despite being laid back you just loved little adventures.

As you were daydreaming everyone else were fighting again from something stupid that you hadn't payed attention to. France actually also tried to calm everyone down alongside with Germany. While Germany preferred yelling and ordering people France's way to approach was more subtle. He actually served wine to everyone who wanted it.

As the maids filled everyone's glasses with wine or whatever drink they preferred you took a glance at your good old pal Canada. Thanks to your laid back attitude and slow reaction time you were actually able to see him. You just had to look like you were watching everything in slow motion. You saw all kind of different things that way. Like little people with wings buzzing around England and an old man who stood next to Russia whenever it snowed. But you also sometimes missed the most obvious things such as a nice looking woman right next to you filling your cup without you noticing.

"Hey Canada. Wanna go out with me after this? Let's explore the dark and scary depths of Paris and... eat some macaroons. How's that?"

Canada chuckled a little at your choice of words and smiled. He was so happy that even one person knew he existed and it was all just sweeter when it was such a nice person as you and not someone like his brother who didn't notice him.

"Sure (C/n). I know this one place near our hotel where they serve great crépes. Would you like to visit there?"

You smiled sleepily and gave him a thumbs up.

"That sounds great." you turned to see another great country that sat next to you, "Hey Greece... buddy wanna come hang out with me and... Canada after meeting? We're going to go to a... city adventure."

Sleepy country next to you tried with all his might stay awake as he answered to you.

"Yeah... that sounds like fun."

You smiled and showed thumps up again.


All that talking made you thirsty. You grabbed the first thing your hand touched and it happened to be a wine class that had been filled for you. You admit, you weren't best with the alcohol but it had been such a long time since last accident so maybe it was all cool. You drank your glass empty in one gulp and licked our lips afterwards.

"Hot damn, this wine is good! Waiter! Oi waiter! More wine here!" you called after some pretty maids once you started to wake up and waved you empty glass in the air. Other countries payed no mind to you as they were too focused to the ongoing fight. Maid came and filled your glass full as you wanted it. She was about to depart, but you waved her to stay.

"Leave the bottle."

Or at least the bottle stayed. You drank your other glass quickly like with the first one and started to refill your glass. Canada noticed your unusual behavior and the wine and decided to step in.

"(C- C/n) I don't think y- you should drink anymore...!"

But you couldn't hear him as you were already drinking your third glass. As you drank Canada started to turn invisible in front of you and his voice grew smaller and smaller each passing second.

"Huh? Did ya hear anything Greece?" you asked and glanced the said brunet next to you. He glanced you back in same confusion.


"Forget it."

Canada sighed sadly. The drunker you got the less you noticed him anymore. He would have warned everyone but no one noticed him... Unlike every other country only he knew what you became when you drank...!

~ Pow change people ~

"Black sheep of Europe!"


"Bushy eyebrows!

"French frog!"

"This certainry has gotten out of hands..."

"Ve~! Japan would you like to have some pasta?"

"Kesesesesese! Italy-chan sure is a saint!"

"Fuck off potato bastard two!"

"Now now Romano! Be a little nicer to Prussia!"

"Fuck of tomato bastard!"

"I claim these breasts to South Korea, daze!"

"Aiyah! Hands off you little-!"

"Sifu, like, watch out for your blood pressure."

"I'm not that old Hong Kong, aru!"

"Listen what the HERO has to say!"

"Call me big brother."


"Big brother..."

"Stop it...!"

"Ha ha ha, you two are always so fun to have arou- Graaah...!"

"N- Norway please don't strangle Denmark...!"

"He deserves it."

"Sweden could you stop this?"


"Big brother...! Let's get married...!"

"M- maybe some another time, da?"

"What do you mean you do't have anymore wine!? We're in France for god's sake!"

Everybody stopped what they were doing when one unusual voice beat their own noises and turned to look at the source of voice. There she was, (C/n), complaining about the lack of wine to poor distressed maids who didn't know how to handle the situation. Then everyone noticed twelve empty wine bottles around her seat.

"Mon dieu! What happened to all my wine!? It was ze best brand I could get for today!" France cried out in horror. She glanced at him and pouted in annoyance but it came out cutely to others.

"It's gone! Your maids say I drank it all! What's up with that? You should have more wine here somewhere!" she complained. She was being so loud that no one had problems hearing her, but she still didn't seem to notice it or the maids who took off as soon as her attention wasn't on them anymore. Then she seemed to relax and the next moment she was smiling like a lovesick person would have smiled.

"But it's alright! I'll just find something else to do!" she laughed leaning on one of her arms and turned towards the Nordics who were sitting at the end of the large table on her left.

"What are you doing after meeting Denmark~?"

"Me? Nothing much! Me and Norway were just going to go and grab ourselves a drink!" blond man laughed and poked Norway little bit between ribs with his elbow. Quiet man slapped his arm away and gave him a dark leer.

"No we weren't. Stop making things up."

"Uh, I meant me, Scotland and Prussia were going to go out drinking!" Danish man corrected.

"Oh! Would you mind if I tagged along? I just love having company to drink with! I can offer you a drink back in my place if you want then. I have some of my place's speciality with me if you're interested in trying it~?" she asked lowering her voice into a sultry whisper and winked. The Dane smiled, not catching the hint.

"Ha ha ha! I don't never say never to a free drink! Of course you can tag along! We don't mind, right guys?" Denmark asked and glanced each one of his friends.

"Uh, not to make fun of yer wits laddie but I don't think that's quite near what lassie meant." Scotland pointed out and stumped his cigarette on the nice large wooden table.

"Kesesesesese~! Ja, frau sounds like she vant's to give jou a tour to her bedroom!" Prussia laughed and earned a smack from his big brother.

"Wait, it did?" America asked not reading the atmosphere at all or simply not understanding the flirt either. (C/n) giggled and turned towards Scotland who was sitting between Iceland and Hong Kong. The stubborn man just refused to sit next to his baby brother.

"My you are a smart one Scotty~! But I was serious about the drink I have. Maybe you would like to try it~? Would you like get a tour to my place's sightsees afterwards~?" she asked and winked at the red head. Scotland smirked and was going to answer but England beat him to it.

"He's not going anywhere in this bloody century! Good thing if he manages to get home from his visits to the local pubs without my help!"

Scotland growled without even trying to hide it and turned to glare at his cockblocking little brother, "Like yer one to talk England!"

"Whatever." (C/n) shrugged her shoulders, her interest long gone and glanced Prussia at the other side of the large table.

"How about you your awesomeness~?"


"Nein, you aren't going anyvhere Bruder!" Germany cut Prussia off. Albino whined and glanced at his brother with a heartbroken expression.

"B- but West...!"

"No buts!"

"Ve~! Bella what has gotten into you? You're not being yourself." Italy asked from her in worried tone. (C/n) raised one eyebrow at the cowardly country, then she smiled.

"Fu fu fu~! Oh, you don't know~? Well it doesn't surprise me! You Italians are rather innocent little cuties!" she laughed.

"Who the fuck is cute!?" Romano asked and waved his fist at laughing female.

"But it's true Romano!" Spain said and tried to hug his friend, but Romano slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me idiota!"

Finally (C/n) calmed down enough to take a proper breath. Then she smirked and threw her hands up in the air, unable to restrain her drunken excitement.

"Who do you think actually own the title of "The Second Mostly Sexually Active Country"~?" she asked. Everyone in the room automatically turned to look France. Said man laughed stiffly and fixed the collar of his dress shirt.

"It's really nice for you to presume zat, I'm flattered, but even with my love life I don't make it in ze Top 10." France explained. Many countries glanced each other in confusion, some murmured something to each other but in the end they turned towards giggling (C/n).

"No, it's not France~! We all know that Greece here has the king's throne in that but guess who has the queen's seat~!" she laughed and draped her hands sultry around Greece's shoulders and pulled herself against him, pressing his arm between her breasts at the same time. Greece didn't mind since she was his friend, but he didn't enjoy the attention it brought either.

Every country's eyes widened at this and South Korea jumped up from his seat in shock.

"You!? The Second Most Sexually Active Country, daze!?"

"Bingo! Ten points and cherry on top~! My treat!" she laughed and detached herself from Greece. Everyone were dazed from this. They would never had suspected that a country like her could have had such a blunt and quirky side in her. In reality Canada knew about this.

He had been the first country to ever witness her drunken state thanks to their close friendship and had quickly learned that she became a whole different person when she had a glass of wine, bottle of beer or such. He had been there watching over her and making sure that nothing happened, but it was then. Now there were other countries and she couldn't notice him anymore he wasn't able to take her back to their hotel to clear her head. He just had to sit back, wait and hope that America wouldn't be filming this to post it later on Youtube.

"You are quite interesting country South Korea! Would you like to be my sidekick? Together we could claim everything and everyone for ourselves!" (C/n) asked, her voice getting louder and louder by the second. She was starting to remember America's and France's fusion, if that was even possible. Asian country smiled broadly and raised his hand in the air, but before he could say anything he was hit over his head with a wok pan.

"You aren't teaming up with anyone, aru! That would be the end of the world!" China said a bit out of breath and sat back down to his seat. End of who's world exactly? Whole world's or just his? (C/n) wowed in wonder and started to clap her hands together in enthusiastic.

"How exiting! That was a blast! Amazing China sir! You older men are one of my soft spots! You are all just so old ad wise and experienced~! Would you mind teaching me? Tell me how good girl I am! Do you want me to call you daddy?" she asked rapidly and switched her gaze between China, Turkey and France.

"I- I am not zat old!" France screamed in shock, not even paying attention to all the other stuff she had said and England snorted, "Of course you are!"

"Shut up!"

"Oi oi, I might be old but I'm not any geezer!" Turkey yelled and Greece snorted. This didn't go past Turkey who quickly turned towards the younger country.

"What the hell was that!?"

"Nothing... old man."

"You wanna go brat!?"

"Bring it on..."

Poor Egypt who happened to sit between them.

"Aiyah, I am not that old yet, aru!" China yelled out.

"You shouldn't stress yourself out sifu. You might, like, break yourself." Hong Kong said with a slight smile in monotone voice and South Korea snickered quite loudly. China was bright red from all the teasing but there was so little he could do about it. (C/n) scoffed and her smile turned upside down into a frown.

"It's not funny when no one else is feeling the mood. Hey, how about I start a sleepover! Yes, sleepover in my hotel room today! Everybody are allowed to come and girls are more than welcome! Bring pajamas or come commando, I don't care! There's no spurning when you're my guests!"

"Oh my! S- should I show my boobs like I used to? Would it make her understand how distressed I feel?" Ukraine asked nibbling with the hem of her shirt nervously. She was seriously going to cry again soon. All the yelling and craziness was just getting to her.

"YES! SHOW US YOUR BOOBS!" (C/n), Prussia, France, South Korea and Denmark yelled in chorus with huge blushes on their faces and jumped up so quickly that all of their seats fell on the floor. Every single on going fight in the room stopped immediately and their focus was once again in (C/n).

A dark shadows appeared behind five of them and suddenly something wrapped tightly around (C/n)'s body and lifted her into air, Prussia was hit on the head from behind, such as France and South Korea were and Denmark was choked by his tie. They were Hungary, England, China and Norway! (C/n) took a glance down that who had gotten her. It was Russia and despite that smile on his face he gave off some serious deadly aura. He must have wanted to threw her through the window since he was squeezing her pretty damn hard. She wasn't able to move even a finger!

"She can't do anything anymore. All taken care of, right comrades~?"

Everyone sighed in relief. That is, until (C/n) moaned in delight. In a second everyone turned towards her again in shock of what they had just heard. She was blushing furiously and wriggling weakly in Russia's iron hold.

"O- oh Russia~! How did you know I have a thing for being tied down~! Yes, squeeze me harder~! Make me work for my breath~!"

Everyone in the room froze and Germany almost choked on his own spit in shock, but Russia just kept smiling like he would have been turned into a stone. Suddenly the scarf unwrapped around (C/n) and she fell on the floor unceremoniously with a yelp. Russia adjusted little bit his scarf around his neck and smiled.

"She gives me creeps. She is your problem now, da?" Russia said and walked off in defeat back to shaking Baltic Trio. (C/n) picked herself up and dusted her cloths off from any possible dirt. Then she tried to look where Russia had disappeared with that magical scarf of his she noticed the three shaking Baltic countries. She smiled brightly and trio flinched in fright.

"Oh Russia! Let's make a deal! I'll leave you alone if I can have Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, how does that sound? I swear I take good care of them! I'll buy them collars that has their country's flag's colors in them and even matching leashes! Pleaseee...! I feed them whatever they desire and pet them and teach them manners and you can visit any time we have time! How does that sound!" she yelled anxiously while waving her arms over her head as if trying to get Russia's attention.

"Da, they are all yours. I'll come visit every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, da?"


"N- no! P- Poland help me little...!" Lithuania cried and turned towards his dear friend. Said blond just played little bit with his blond hair and avoided everyone's gaze.

"..You can have Liet only if I can come and play dress up with him each Monday and Wednesday..." Poland mumbled shyly and averted his eyes away from hers. He was just too shy to actually speak around her since he hadn't known her that long.


"A- America sir, please help us!" Lithuania yelled to large country in distress. America, hearing being called to save innocent bystanders puffed out his chest and stepped forward like a true hero!

"This is a job for a HERO! I'll tame (C/n) because that's what heroes do!" he yelled gaining everyone's attention, including (Y/n)'s. She smiled coyly at the sight and blushed heavily.

"Aah, America~! You are perfect!"

"Ha ha ha! I know!"

"Pudgy tummies are the best!"

"Yes- Wait, what?" America stopped right on his tracks. Half of the world snickered. (C/n) squealed in excitement and slammed her palms against her red cheeks.

"Chubby guys are so good to snuggle and their tummies are just the best! You can grab it, feel it and grope it from the bottom of your heart! They make me swoon!"

"I- I am not fat!" he flinched and blushed in embarrassment of being called chubby.

"Oh you are so cute! I could eat you up or serve you a nice bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce and whip cream and chocolate chips on top!"

"I- I'm not cute! Heroes are strong, brave and handsome! Not cute!" he protested but that made (C/n) giggle excitedly and swoon.

"Oh, the innocent ones are the cutest! Don't worry, there's nothing bad about it! We can have so much fun! Don't worry I'll be gentle~!" she winked.

America blushed even harder after being called innocent. Fat was already bad, but innocent was too much. There was nothing bad of being innocent! With a voice just as small as Canada's he whispered "Even hero can't handle her..." and slumped away in defeat. Everybody were shocked to see America give up. (C/n) giggles turned into a hard huffs of breath and she took a glance at the Italians who were sitting next to each other.

"Fu fu fu, speaking of innocent~! Maybe I should try some Italian goodies~!" she panted and made grabbing motions with her hands towards two Italians. Italy and Romano yelled in fear and clutched on to the nearest countries who were there, who happened to be Germany and Spain.

"Ve! G- Germany why (C/n) is acting scary!?"

"S- Spain you bastard, you better protect me from that scary bastard bella!"

"Yes Romano, call me again with ridiculous names! Say how bad I am~!" (C/n) laughed and repeated the scary looking grabbing motions with her hands, much to Romano's horror.


"Never sugar!"

"Ha ha ha...! Maybe that is already enough? You're scaring poor Romano chica." Spain asked with a smile on his face as Romano was trying to hide inside his jacket. (C/n) turned her gleaming eyes towards the Spanish and licked her lips, making tanned man tilt his head in confusion.

"Oh if I can't have Baltics or even Italians then I might just take you Spain!" (C/n) called and pulled out of nowhere a long chain leash and heavy steel collar hanging on the end of leash. For the first time in centuries Spain turned pale as ghost and actually looked mortified. The chain and collar looked exactly same as the one England had used a long long time ago to tie him up when they were both pirates. England on the other hand had a troubles to contain his laughter.

"Ha ha ha! That's perfect! You should go Spain! That way you could actually escape those depths of yours!" England laughed. It was fun, but also a big mistake on his part. (C/n) turned towards him and now the British country had all of her attention.

"England! Ah England, my dear England! Wouldn't you like to have some fun with me~?"

England chocked on his breath and started to cough hysterically. Other countries who he had made fun of snickered at him. Now it was his turn to get it. No one could wait for what she had for spared for him.

"Show me that punk side of you I always get to hear about! Show me the cocky badass Great Britain who made girls cry and played some wicked music~!" she ordered with a scary shadow over her face.

"T- that was long time ago love! I- I don't do stuff like that anymore-!"

"Not so cocky anymore, aren't ya dear little brother?" Scotland sneered and England turned red as his brother's hair from anger.

"Shut up you git!"

"Make me!"

"Eh, lost my interest!" (C/n) sighed and turned away from the bickering brothers. Then her eyes landed to the poor Japan. Short man flinched as a spark came to her eyes and she pounced happily on the table.

"Japan! Let's roleplay! You like cute things don't you? Greece my cat ears!"

In a second Greece had thrown a cat ear hairband that he, (C/n)'s sidekick number 2 always carried around for her waiting hand. They matched perfectly with her hair's color too. She put them on her head and tilted her head cutely on the side.

"Am I cute now Japan? Would you like to pet me? Purrrlease...?"

"T- t- this is highly inappropriate! I- I have to ask you to please p- put those away!" Japan stuttered his face red. But he still took some pictures with the camera he always carried along. China noticed this and as a cute loving country as well he couldn't help himself, "Give me copies of those pictures too, aru!"

"Roleplaying reminds me from something...!" (C/n) muttered in her thoughts. Everybody followed her with their gazes as she jumped off from the table and took off the ears. Then she tapped her palm with her other hand like she had just remembered something vital.

"I just love a man that can pull up well a girls part! Let's see, who do we have...!"

"S- she even has a thing for crossdressing too...!?" Estonia gasped in horror as he and the rest of the Baltic countries shook together.

"A- as weird as (C/n) is being right now i- it doesn't surprise me...!" Latvia said without thinking.


(C/n) didn't care. In fact she didn't even listen three of them talking. They were like little bugs on the background. Besides's she had a mission. She let her sharp eyes travel through every single country and everyone hoped that she would skip over them. Suddenly she slammed her hands on the table and then hugged herself like trying to contain her excitement.

"Yes! China would be so beautiful woman, Finland would be so cute girl, France I bet you can make any dress look great on you, oh Poland you are just so perfect~!"

"Yeah..." Poland mumbled shyly.

"Aiyah! For the last time I am NOT a girl, aru! I am a man!" China yelled, his face so red that he looked like he was about to faint.

"I think that's the point big brother, daze." South Korea pointed out.

"W- what! I- I'm not a girl either! T- tell them Su!"



"I know I can wear any dress zere is and make it look great, but zat's not the point now! It pains me to say zis but (C/n) you have gone way too far! Even in my standards!" France yelled out and pointed at her.

"Really? I'm sorry if that was too much! Do you want to punish me daddy~?" (C/n) asked faking a cute act in front of every country.

"Oui, but zat's not ze point either! I am not going to take an advantage of your condition when you are clearly not able to make any right decision and I'm not going to let anybody else in this room do zat either!"

(C/n) flinched a little and her smiling face turned into straight line as if she tried to let herself frown. Then one by one countries got up from their seats around her.

"Ja, I for once agree vith France." Germany said, "This has gone out of hands.

"M- me too! I think big brother France is right! (C/n) is being scary and not her usual bella self!" Italy cried out loud while clutching into Germany's sleeve. By the looks of everyone else they had also gotten enough. They weren't mad, just embarrassed and worried. No one wanted her to do something she would regret afterwards and they were generally worried about her well being.

"How about a girl then? Girls are nice too! They are so warm and so soft and nice to cuddle with!" (C/n) squealed in excitement that she couldn't conceal and hugged herself again as her breathing got heavier. Every girl in the room flinched and even Belarus looked like she would rather be anywhere else than there. She just wouldn't stop!


"Yip!" (C/n) let out a sharp squeak of fear and froze up completely. She took a careful peek over her shoulder and saw big shadow towering over her smaller form. Everyone in the room followed the situation happening. Netherlands was actually trying to put stop to her drunken adventure!

"O- oh Netherlands! W- what, do you want to order me aroun- IIIIKH!"

Netherlands gave her a sharp tap on her bum and (C/n) let out a little yelp with no signs of pleasure in it. It wasn't sexy tap or slap, it was a sharp tap that you would give to a child when they were bad. After that he turned her to face him and made her look at him up towards, straight into his eyes.

"None of that anymore. Go wait in the corner and think what you have done wrong. You may come from there once I give you a permission." Netherlands ordered, his voice serious and heavy with authority and pointed the corner of the room with his finger. (C/n) opened her mouth to speak but no words wanted to come out. She wanted to object but she was too shocked and distressed to form any words.

"B- but...!"

"No buts. In the corner. Now. Before I get really mad." tall man ordered and gave her a harsh and stern look, which made her flinch.

"Y- yes sir..." (C/n) whimpered lump in her throat and tears in her eyes. Everyone flinched. She was seriously doing her best to not to cry in front of everyone or to cry at all. There was absolutely no signs left from the earlier kinky girl. She had turned into a little girl in mere seconds.

(C/n) walked to the corner as she was ordered to. She kept her face down the whole way to there and let out a hiccup or to that she couldn't keep quiet. Some felt bad for her, like England, Spain, France, Prussia and China, since all of them had raised a little country at some point in their long life, but they didn't interfere with Netherlands's punishment.

When she made it to the corner she was reluctant to face the wall and glanced timidly others over her shoulder.

"Nose against the wall and no peeking or I'll come there." Netherlands warned. (C/n) turned quickly towards the wall and didn't move even a inch from there. Only time when she did was to either hiccup or wipe the tears from her eyes. Other countries turned towards Netherlands in total awe.

"That was amazing..." Iceland muttered quietly.

"Bloody hell, where did you learn parenting!?" England asked getting up from his seat.

"W- what England means it t-that how you managed to do that?" Ukraine asked and wiped a tear away from her eye.

Netherlands grunted and pulled his favorite pipe from his jacket's hidden pocket and matches from the normal one. He lit one match and then kept the fire at the end of his pipe until the grounded tobacco caught the fire and then put it out. Everyone waited him patiently and no one dared to remind him about no smoking policy. He inhaled some smoke and blew it out in one thin stream.

"Wasn't that hard. I just didn't do anything that Spain would have done."

"Ha ha ha, that's pretty cruel Netherlands...! I wasn't that bad at parenting! Right Romano?" Spain asked and turned towards Southern Italian twin. He was met with a glare and middle finger.

"Fuck off!"

"It vas vhat it is but either vay I thank you Netherlands." Germany said gratefully and sighed. The meeting had turned somehow much more exhausting than it usually was. It drained every country.

"You're welcome." Netherlands grunted and took another quick smoke from his pipe, "Where's that country that she always talks to?"

"H- here. I had a feeling you might ask me."

Stoic country turned around and looked little downwards. He had to squint a little but here he was, Canada, with his polar bear in his arms and his jacket and another one that might have belonged to (C/n).

"You're here. Good. You and her stay in the same hotel, don't you?" he asked and pointed (C/n) who was standing in the corner like she was told to with his pipe. Canada nodded, "Uh, yes."

"Good. Take her back, make her sleep and sober up. We have another meeting tomorrow and I don't want her to act like this again."

"Yes sir!" quieter country said and saluted Netherlands. Man grunted in agreement and turned towards (C/n).

"You can come here now."

(C/n) flinched after hearing her being called and peeked carefully over her shoulder to point at herself in questioning manner.

"Yes you. Don't make me come and get you."

Hearing this (C/n) made her way quickly two standing man. Canada felt sorry for her. It was obvious that she had cried at least a little bit while she was in timeout and she refused to make eye contact with anyone. She just looked like a little kid that had received her punishment for doing something wrong.

"What do you got to say for everyone?" Netherlands asked. (C/n) shook her head little bit stubbornly and looked away from the large man's boots.

"I know you know what to say. Tell everyone and Canada will take you to your hotel room."

"C- Canada?" (C/n) flinched at the call of familiar name. She raised her head and for the first time in her drunken state actually saw almost invisible country.

"H- hi (C/n)." Canada greeted her softly and smiled gently, like old and loyal friend would. (C/n) stared him in shock, then her face turned red and grumbled as she tried to not to cry again.

"I- I- I'm sorryyyy....!" she wailed, failing to contain her tears and jumped against Canadian, hugging him and hiding her face against his chest. As she cried Canada patted her back with his other hand that wasn't holding up their jackets or his bear.

"There there. It's alright. I forgive you." he comforted her gently and smiled, "But Netherlands is right, you should apologize from others as well. Otherwise they might not forgive you."

(C/n) flinched at this. Slowly and reluctantly she let go of Canada and turned almost shyly towards other countries. They were all watching her, waiting quietly for her to speak. She swallowed, looked at her shoes and fiddled the hem of her sleeve. When she finally managed to get enough courage she raised her head and gave everyone clear sight of her red tearstained and ashamed face.

"I- I'm sorry for w- what I did... I- it was very immature a-and I apologize it...!" at the end of her apology she started to cry again and averted her eyes from other countries. But everyone smiled at her apology.

"It's okay you little rascal. We forgive you." Turkey said.

"I already, like, forgave you." said Hong Kong.

"I can't stay mad if I get a proper apology like that so I forgive you too." England said and sighed a little nostalgically.

"You are forgiven. Don't cry." Sweden said. But (C/n) couldn't help but to cry even more. She jumped back to Canada and stick her face back against his chest. Netherlands nodded in approval, "Good. You can take her home now."

Canada nodded and went to escort (C/n) back to their hotel. Too bad Cuba wasn't there to help him. They would put on their jackets in the lobby. As they shut the door behind them the whole world sighed and slumped in their seats.

"Let's promise that ve never let (C/n) get drunk again. Agreed?" Germany called out.

Everybody agreed on that spot.

~ Extra ending ~

Next day was the second meeting. Every country from day earlier gathered into same room as they had yesterday. Germany and England had made sure that no wine was served today and no one brought any alcohol drinks with them. They were all just chatting before the meeting. Then doors opened and (C/n) walked inside with Canada.

~ Pow change people ~

You walked inside the meeting room with your pal Canada. You were both just chatting happily when all of the sudden whole meeting room grew quiet. You glanced up from your friend and noticed that everyone were staring at you. You tilted your head in confusion, then smiled and waved.

"Good morning... everyone. Is there something... on my face? You're all staring at me."

Everyone shook their head immediately and averted their eyes away from you. Their behavior was quite strange but you choose not to put your nose in other's businesses. You glanced Canada questioning way and he laughed a little bit to your ignorance.

"It's nothing." he reassured to you and you smiled. If Canada said everything was alright then it was all good. You sat back to your place when suddenly someone tapped you on your shoulder. You turned around to see who it was and were a little bit surprised to see Scotland Prussia and France.

"Hi guys. Can I... help you somehow?"

"Yeah, um…" Prussia mumbled with a faint blush on his face and he wasn't able to look at you in the eyes.

"Do you remember anyzing from yesterday mon cher?" France asked interrupting his stuttering friend. You quirked your eyebrow at them and tilted your head a little.

"Sorry, but I can't even remember what… I had for breakfast. Why...? Did we actually talk about something... important yesterday? Oh my god, is... Germany going to keep us a pop quiz? I'm not ready...! Canada, can I please read your notes quickly, please?"

"Nein nein! My bruder isn't keeping any quizzes! That would be so unawesome!" Prussia said and you relaxed immediately. Men sighed in relief also. It wasn't like they wanted you to remember, but the exact opposite. They didn't want you to feel ashamed of what had happened in your drunken state.

"Oh, well thanks for... informing me. So what did you guys wanted from me...? You wanna come to a wicked Paris adventure with me, Canada and Greece today? ...Or did we do it yesterday? I can't remember."

"You fell asleep as soon as we got back to hotel." Canada whispered to your ear and you nodded lazily back to him.

"Oh, so that explains why I can't remember...! Anyway...! Did you guys need something from me?"

"Aye, we were pondering whenever it is true that ye'r The Second Most Sexually Active Country?" Scotland asked quite bluntly. You were a little taken a back by his straightforwardness but otherwise fine. If fact, you smiled crookedly at them and started to play with a strand of your hair.

"Isn't that, like... a little personal? Ha ha, like shouldn't you guys buy me a drink... or something before asking things like that-"

"What's going on in here?" a new voice spoke behind you. Men and you turned around and saw Netherlands standing behind you, staring at you downwards with his green eyes. In a second you tensed, eyes turning as wide as dinner plates and your face erupted in cherry blush. Everyone around you noticed your sudden change and for a second they worried if you suddenly remembered anything from yesterday.

"U- um...!" you couldn't even speak. It was like the link between your brains and tongue had been snapped and your heart was being painfully squeezed by invisible hand. Others saw your distressed state and tried to quickly help.

"Nothing's going on Laddie!" Scotland laughed and hit Prussia and France on the back.

"J- ja! Ve vere just talking about having an awesome drink tonight!"

"O- oui! Just one glass, nothing serious!"

Netherlands grunted and started to dig trough his pockets for his pipe and matches.

"If it's a drink or anything else you want you can just come over to my house. Bars and cafes are open 24 hours." with this being said he turned and left. You gasped after he was long gone and quickly slammed your hands over your red face.

"Oh my god! S- should we go Canada? D- does he want us there? Oh my god, for the first time in centuries I can't keep my cool...!" you stuttered in a hurry and panic. Others started to immediately worry about your wellbeing and tried to calm you down.

"Calm down Lass!"

"Ja, it's alright!"

"Oui, you don't have to go anywhere where you don't want to!" Scotland, Prussia and France said to her defense and Canada nodded, "I- I agree with them (C/n). You don't need to go if you don't want to."

"N- no...! It's not that..." you shook your head and removed your hands over your face. Everyone were able to see your blushing face and- Smiling face? You swooned a little and then started to giggle. You felt like someone had injected sugar straight to your vein and like you were as light as a feather. It was a brand new feeling that you had never experienced before and it made your stomach flutter and giggles erupt from inside you. France was first one to recognize the disease you had and it didn't take you long to say it yourself.

"I- I think I may have a crush on Netherlands...!"
This is my contest entry for HetaliaXreaderChan's theme contest. I hope it doesn't get deleted but if it does then I'll just bring it back with harder warnings. I hope you enjoy, this is took me a while to write. Feel free to comment if you like it! X)
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(Silent Hill My Oc, Atlantic Sara's oc)

Silent Hill: *Watches the scene play out*

Atlantic: *Looks at Silent Hill* Kayliegh~

Silent Hill: Nope, Nope, Nope, so much nope *walks out, with a beer*

Atlantic: Kayliegh~~ *hugs her from behind and gropes her*

Silent Hill: *sighs, and takes a sip* Wow you are really holding back tonight

All the other countries: What!?!